(+44) 207 9711 318

Physical address:
​128 City Road, EC1V 2NX, London.

Your Favourite Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Door and Fire Alarm Inspection Partner

We are the leading fire risk assessment, fire door & fire alarm inspection in the UK.

Certified fire risk Assessors
Ensure that all Fire safety equipment is regularly checked and maintained and logged
Ensure that areas of fire risk developing are suitably contained and there are no breaches
Ensure all fire escape routes are kept clear/have correct signage/have correct exit doors and locks


We are the best in what we do

Our Services

Fire Safety Assessment

Fire Door Inspection

Fire Alarm Inspection

How It Works

Our Proven 5 Step Process for Fire risk Assessment

Step #1

We visit the property and Identify Fire Hazards, Sources of Ignition, Sources of Fuel and Sources of Oxygen.

Step #2

After we check all those sources, we Identify People at Risk, People in and within the vicinity of the premises, People especially at risk including disabled and vulnerable persons.

Step #3

This is our evaluation stage, at Fisac we evaluate, Substitute, Remove, Reduce, Isolate, Control and Protect from Risk, Evaluate the risk of a Fire occurring, Evaluate the risk to people from Fire, Remove or Reduce Fire hazards, Remove or Reduce the risks to people.

In our Fire Risk Assessments will evaluate the suitability and sufficiency of:

* Detection and Warning
* Fire-fighting provisions
* Escape routes
* Emergency Escape Lighting
* Signs and notices
* Inspection, Testing, Maintenance and Recording

Step #4

Now, after our evaluation stage, we record, Plan, Inform, Instruct and Train.

We will record all Significant Findings and present and programme preventative and protective measures to be taken.

We will prepare a site specific Fire Emergency Plan and take measures to Inform and Instruct relevant people.

We will instigate a co-operation and co-ordination procedure with other Responsible Persons

Step #5

This is our final stage - Review.

We will give you notice and Instruction to:
* Keep the Fire Risk Assessment under Review
* Revise where necessary

Talk to one of our experts today

Don't leave it until it is too late for your family or business, check how we can help you today.